在维护IBM服务器的时候经常遇到RAID卡信息丢失,虽然多个硬盘做了RAID1或RAID5,一次断电 或不关机热插拔硬盘,导致系统无法正常启动,影响业务正常运行,同时硬盘数据有可能丢失,本次就是一次RAID卡信息丢失,四块硬盘,两块橙色灯,系统无法启动提示如下错误 IBM system 3650 M4服务器启动,提示错误如下 The following VDs are missing complete spans:00 If you proceed (or load the configureateion atility),these VDs will be removed from your configuration an the remaining drivers marked as foreign. If you wish to use them at a later time,restore the missing span(s) and use foreign import to recouver the VDs.if you believe these VDs should be present,please power off your system and check you cables to ensure all disks are present. Press any key to continue, or “C” to load the configuration utility. 找回硬盘文件数据和安装系统使业务正常